Standing Seam Metal Roofing Company Virginia

Metal Roofers in Hampton Roads

Call now 757-210-6580

Experience the Excellence of Seaboard Construction: Leading the Way in Standing Seam Metal Roofing in Hampton Roads

When it comes to top-quality standing seam metal roofing in the Hampton Roads area, Seaboard Construction is your premier choice. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and craftsmanship sets us apart from the competition in Norfolk, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Newport News, and beyond.

What sets us apart? Our in-house fabrication and forming of metal roofing panels ensure the highest level of precision and excellence in every panel. Our experienced team of metal roofers pays meticulous attention to detail, guaranteeing installations that exceed industry standards.

As a local company, we understand the unique needs and challenges of the Hampton Roads area. We have earned a reputation for professionalism, reliability, and exceptional customer service. When you choose Seaboard Construction, you can trust that your standing seam metal roof will be installed with the care and expertise it deserves.

To prioritize your satisfaction, we offer a comprehensive 2-year craftsmanship warranty on all installed standing seam metal roofs. This ensures that any defects or issues stemming from our workmanship will be promptly addressed and resolved.

Ready to experience the excellence and customer satisfaction that sets Seaboard Construction apart? Contact us today to discuss your project and discover how we can meet your metal roofing needs in the Hampton Roads region.

Reach out to our team of metal roofing contractors today for a free roof inspection!

Seaboard Construction is a Class A Certificated contractor specializeing in commercial and residential roofing solutions in Hampton Roads.

Metal roofing company serving Chesapeake, VIrginia Beach and all of Hampton Roads, Virginia

Standing Seam Metal Roof Gallery

Is a Standing Seam Metal Roof Worth the Cost?

In this article we’ll review if a standing seam metal roof in worth the cost in Hampton Roads:

  • Importance of choosing the right roofing material for long-term property protection and value
  • Overview of standing seam metal roofs, known for their durability and weather resistance
  • Examining the cost-effectiveness of standing seam metal roofs compared to other roofing options
  • Long-term considerations, including reduced maintenance and repair expenses
  • Lifespan and durability of metal roofs, providing long-lasting performance and savings
  • Energy efficiency of metal roofs, leading to lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact
  • Impact on property value and marketability with a standing seam metal roof
  • Addressing common concerns and misconceptions about metal roofs
  • Proper insulation and ventilation to prevent condensation issues
  • Installation process and compatibility with existing structures
  • Answering the question: Is a standing seam metal roof worth the cost?

Importance of choosing the right roofing material

When it comes to selecting a roofing material for your home, the decision carries significant weight. Your roof is not only a crucial element for protecting your property but also a long-term investment that affects its overall value and energy efficiency. Among the various options available, standing seam metal roofs have gained immense popularity in recent years.

Overview of standing seam metal roofs

Standing seam metal roofs are characterized by their distinctive raised seams that run vertically along the panels. These roofs are typically made from durable materials such as aluminum or steel, which provide exceptional longevity and weather resistance. The standing seam design offers superior protection against leaks, as the seams are raised and securely interlocked, preventing water infiltration. Additionally, these roofs boast a sleek, modern appearance that can significantly enhance the aesthetic appeal of any architectural style.

Is a Standing Seam Metal Roof Worth the Cost?

In this article, we will delve into the question of whether a standing seam metal roof is worth the cost. By examining its numerous benefits and assessing its long-term value, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and considerations associated with this roofing option. Whether you are considering a roof replacement or constructing a new home, our exploration of the cost-effectiveness of standing seam metal roofs will assist you in making an informed decision.


Understanding the Factors Influencing Roofing Costs

Comparison of initial installation costs

One of the primary factors to consider when evaluating the worth of a standing seam metal roof is the initial installation cost in comparison to other roofing materials. While it is true that standing seam metal roofs tend to have a higher upfront cost than traditional roofing options such as asphalt shingles, it’s essential to examine the long-term benefits and cost savings they offer. Metal roofs, especially standing seam varieties, are renowned for their exceptional durability and longevity. They can easily last 50 years or more with proper maintenance, surpassing the lifespan of most other roofing materials. This extended lifespan translates into reduced replacement and repair expenses over time, offsetting the initial investment. Furthermore, metal roofs require less frequent maintenance and repairs compared to other materials, resulting in additional long-term cost savings.

Long-term considerations: maintenance and repairs

When evaluating the worth of a standing seam metal roof, it is crucial to take into account the long-term maintenance and repair requirements. Metal roofs are known for their low maintenance needs, making them an attractive option for homeowners seeking a hassle-free roofing solution. Unlike traditional roofing materials that may require regular repairs and periodic replacements, standing seam metal roofs are highly resistant to weathering, corrosion, and damage from elements such as hail or high winds. This durability reduces the likelihood of extensive repairs or the need for premature replacement. Additionally, the interlocking design of standing seam roofs provides excellent water resistance, minimizing the risk of leaks. By investing in a metal roof, homeowners can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that they won’t have to allocate substantial resources to ongoing repairs and maintenance.

Lifespan and durability of roofing materials

Another crucial aspect to consider when evaluating the worth of a standing seam metal roof is the lifespan and durability of the roofing material. Metal roofs, especially those with standing seam construction, offer unparalleled longevity and resilience. They are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, including high winds, heavy rain, and even fire. With proper installation and regular maintenance, a standing seam metal roof can easily surpass the lifespan of traditional roofing materials such as asphalt shingles, which typically last around 20-30 years. This extended lifespan not only saves homeowners from the expense of multiple roof replacements but also provides substantial cost savings over the long term. Additionally, metal roofs are highly resistant to common issues that plague other roofing materials, such as rot, mold, and insect infestations. Their durability ensures that they maintain their structural integrity and aesthetic appeal for decades, further enhancing their value.

Exploring Different Roofing Materials

Asphalt shingles

Cost-effectiveness but shorter lifespan:

Asphalt shingles are known for their affordability, making them a popular choice for homeowners on a budget. They offer a cost-effective roofing solution, especially for those looking for a quick and budget-friendly roof installation. However, it’s important to note that asphalt shingles have a relatively shorter lifespan compared to other roofing materials. On average, asphalt shingles last around 20-30 years before needing replacement. While their initial cost may be lower, homeowners should consider the long-term cost implications of periodic replacements.

Limited durability and maintenance requirements:

While asphalt shingles provide a cost-effective roofing option, they do have limitations in terms of durability. They are vulnerable to damage from severe weather conditions such as high winds, hail, and UV rays. Over time, the shingles may crack, curl, or lose their granules, leading to potential leaks and reduced functionality. Additionally, regular maintenance is necessary to extend the lifespan of asphalt shingles. Homeowners need to perform periodic inspections, replace damaged shingles, and address any maintenance issues promptly to avoid more extensive damage.

Wood shakes and shingles:

Natural beauty but high maintenance needs:

Wood shakes and shingles offer a unique and natural aesthetic appeal that is highly sought after by many homeowners. Their rustic charm and distinctive grain patterns can enhance the visual appeal of a property. However, it’s important to note that wood roofs require significant maintenance to ensure their longevity. Regular inspections, cleaning, and treating for moss, algae, and rot are essential. Without proper maintenance, wood shakes and shingles can deteriorate quickly, leading to leaks and structural issues.

Vulnerability to weather and fire hazards:

Wood roofs, although visually appealing, are more susceptible to weather-related damage. They can be prone to rot, warping, and splitting, especially in humid or rainy climates. Additionally, wood is combustible, which increases the risk of fire hazards. To mitigate these risks, homeowners with wood roofs need to take extra precautions, such as applying fire-resistant treatments and ensuring proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup.

Clay and concrete tiles:

Aesthetically pleasing but heavy and expensive:

Clay and concrete tiles are renowned for their distinctive and elegant appearance. They offer a timeless and upscale aesthetic that can enhance the curb appeal of any property. However, it’s important to consider the weight and cost implications of these roofing materials. Clay and concrete tiles are significantly heavier than other roofing options, which may require additional structural support during installation. The added weight can impact the overall cost of the roof project.

Maintenance and potential for damage:

While clay and concrete tiles are durable, they still require regular maintenance to keep them in optimal condition. Homeowners need to inspect for cracks or damage and replace any broken tiles promptly. Additionally, extreme weather conditions such as hail or falling debris can cause damage to these roofing materials. Homeowners should factor in the potential repair costs and maintenance needs associated with clay and concrete tiles when considering them as a roofing option.

Comparing roofing materials with standing seam metal roofs:

Cost considerations in the long run:

While the initial cost of standing seam metal roofs may be higher than some other roofing materials, it’s essential to evaluate the long-term cost savings they offer. Metal roofs, including standing seam designs, have an exceptional lifespan that can exceed 50 years with proper maintenance. Their durability and resistance to weathering reduce the need for frequent repairs and replacements, translating into significant long-term cost savings.

Durability and longevity of metal roofs:

Metal roofs, particularly standing seam varieties, are known for their unmatched durability. They can withstand extreme weather conditions, including high winds, heavy rain, and hail. Metal roofs are also highly resistant to fire, mold, and insect infestations. With their robust construction and interlocking seam design, standing seam metal roofs provide excellent protection against leaks and water infiltration. This longevity and resilience contribute to the long-term value and cost-effectiveness of metal roofs.

Reduced maintenance requirements:

Metal roofs, including standing seam designs, have relatively low maintenance requirements compared to other roofing materials. They do not require frequent repairs or replacements due to their durability and resistance to damage. Routine inspections and simple maintenance tasks, such as cleaning gutters and removing debris, are usually sufficient to keep metal roofs in excellent condition. Homeowners can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their metal roof will require minimal upkeep, reducing the overall maintenance costs associated with the roof.

Benefits of Standing Seam Metal Roofs

Energy efficiency and cost savings of metal roofs:

Reflectivity and insulation properties:

One of the significant advantages of standing seam metal roofs is their excellent reflectivity. Metal roofs reflect a significant amount of solar heat, preventing it from being absorbed into the building. This reflective property helps to reduce the cooling load on the building, especially during hot summer months. Additionally, metal roofs can be installed with insulation materials that further enhance their energy efficiency by minimizing heat transfer. These insulation properties contribute to lower energy consumption for cooling, resulting in reduced energy bills and increased cost savings for the building owner.

Lower energy bills and environmental impact:

The energy efficiency of standing seam metal roofs directly translates into cost savings for the building owner. By reducing the reliance on air conditioning systems and improving overall energy efficiency, metal roofs can significantly lower energy bills. Moreover, the reduced energy consumption leads to a decreased environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions. As businesses and homeowners increasingly prioritize sustainability and green initiatives, the energy-efficient nature of standing seam metal roofs makes them an appealing choice for those seeking to reduce their environmental footprint.

Call now 757-210-6580

Virginia Metal Roofers

Metal roofing company serving Chesapeake, VIrginia Beach and all of Hampton Roads, Virginia

Metal Roofing Company in Virginia

Enhanced durability and weather resistance of metal roofs:

Withstanding extreme weather conditions:

Standing seam metal roofs are renowned for their exceptional durability and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. Whether it’s heavy rain, high winds, or hailstorms, metal roofs provide robust protection against the elements. The interlocking seam design ensures enhanced water resistance, preventing leaks and water damage. Metal roofs also have a high resistance to impact, reducing the risk of damage from falling branches or other debris during storms. This durability ensures the longevity of the roof, reducing the need for frequent repairs or premature replacements.

Resisting damage from fire, pests, and mold:

Another advantage of standing seam metal roofs is their resistance to fire, pests, and mold. Metal roofs are non-combustible, which provides an added layer of safety and protection for the building and its occupants. Additionally, metal roofs are not susceptible to damage from pests, such as termites or rodents, which can wreak havoc on other roofing materials. Furthermore, metal roofs do not support the growth of mold or mildew, which can be a common problem in humid climates. This resistance to fire, pests, and mold ensures a healthier and safer environment within the building and reduces the potential for costly damage and health concerns.

Metal roof design flexibility and aesthetic appeal:

Variety of styles, colors, and finishes:

Standing seam metal roofs offer a wide range of design options, allowing building owners to choose a style that complements their architectural vision. They are available in various panel widths, seam profiles, and roof slopes, providing versatility in design. Metal roofs also come in a wide array of colors and finishes, enabling customization to suit specific aesthetic preferences and match existing building features. Whether a building requires a contemporary, traditional, or even rustic look, standing seam metal roofs can be tailored to achieve the desired visual appeal.

Compatibility with modern architectural trends:

Standing seam metal roofs are highly compatible with modern architectural trends. Their clean lines and sleek appearance align well with contemporary design aesthetics. The versatility of metal roofs allows them to complement a wide range of architectural styles, including commercial buildings with unique shapes and designs. As modern architecture continues to evolve, standing seam metal roofs offer a timeless and sophisticated roofing solution that enhances the overall visual appeal of the building.

Return on Investment (ROI) of Metal Roofs

Metal roof cost versus lifespan analysis:

When considering the return on investment for a standing seam metal roof, it is essential to compare the initial cost with its impressive lifespan. While the upfront cost of a metal roof may be higher compared to other roofing materials, its longevity significantly outweighs the initial investment. Metal roofs, including standing seam designs, can last 50 years or more with proper installation and maintenance. By analyzing the lifespan of the roof and factoring in the initial cost, building owners can determine the cost-effectiveness of a metal roof over its lifetime. The extended lifespan of a standing seam metal roof translates into fewer replacements, resulting in substantial long-term savings.

Additionally, the durability of standing seam metal roofs reduces the need for costly repairs or maintenance expenses. While other roofing materials may require frequent repairs or replacement due to weathering or damage, metal roofs are known for their resilience and resistance to common roofing issues. This durability minimizes ongoing expenses and contributes to the overall return on investment. By conducting a thorough analysis of the initial cost compared to the projected lifespan and reduced maintenance requirements, building owners can gain a clearer understanding of the long-term value of a standing seam metal roof.

Long-term savings on energy bills and maintenance expenses for metal roofs:

One of the significant factors that contribute to the return on investment of a standing seam metal roof is the long-term savings on energy bills. Metal roofs are highly energy-efficient, reflecting a significant amount of solar heat and reducing the cooling load on the building. This results in lower energy consumption and, subsequently, reduced energy bills over the life of the roof. The energy-saving properties of standing seam metal roofs make them an excellent choice for cost-conscious building owners who prioritize energy efficiency and want to maximize their return on investment.

Another aspect to consider when calculating the ROI is the reduced maintenance expenses associated with standing seam metal roofs. Unlike other roofing materials that may require frequent repairs or replacements, metal roofs have minimal maintenance requirements. With their durability and resistance to weathering and damage, metal roofs can withstand the test of time with minimal intervention. This reduces the need for costly repairs and maintenance work, saving building owners money in the long run. By factoring in the reduced maintenance expenses and energy savings over the lifespan of the roof, the return on investment of a standing seam metal roof becomes even more apparent.

Impact on property value and marketability:

Investing in a standing seam metal roof can have a positive impact on the overall value of the property. Metal roofs are widely regarded as a premium roofing option due to their longevity, durability, and energy efficiency. Potential buyers and investors recognize the value and quality associated with metal roofs, which can make a property more desirable in the real estate market. The curb appeal and long-lasting performance of a standing seam metal roof can set a property apart from others, potentially leading to a higher selling price and increased marketability.

Furthermore, a standing seam metal roof can contribute to the marketability of a property by signaling to potential buyers or tenants that the building is well-maintained and offers superior protection. Metal roofs are associated with reliability and low maintenance requirements, which can attract businesses or homeowners looking for a hassle-free roofing solution. The marketability of a property with a standing seam metal roof is further enhanced by the potential energy savings and reduced environmental impact, as more individuals prioritize sustainable and energy-efficient features. Building owners can leverage the marketability and added value of a standing seam metal roof when considering the return on investment and overall property value.

Common Concerns and Misconceptions of Metal Roofs

Noise levels during rain or hailstorms:

One common concern associated with metal roofs, including standing seam designs, is the perception that they may generate excessive noise during rain or hailstorms. However, this concern is often exaggerated. Modern metal roofs are installed with solid sheathing and insulation materials that help dampen the sound of rainfall. Additionally, the raised seams of standing seam metal roofs create a natural barrier that reduces noise transmission. When properly installed, standing seam metal roofs produce similar noise levels to other roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles. Homeowners can enjoy a quiet and peaceful indoor environment even during inclement weather.


Possibility of denting and impact resistance:

Another misconception about standing seam metal roofs is the assumption that they are easily prone to denting, particularly during severe weather events or from falling debris. While it is true that metal roofs can potentially dent under significant impact, they are engineered to withstand typical weather conditions and maintain their structural integrity. The robust construction of standing seam metal roofs, along with the interlocking seam design, enhances their resistance to denting. High-quality metal roofs are manufactured using strong and durable materials such as aluminum or steel, which can withstand normal impact without denting.


Additionally, the raised seams of standing seam metal roofs provide an additional layer of protection against impact. The seams act as a buffer, distributing the force of impact across the roof surface and minimizing the risk of dents. It’s important to note that the potential for denting is more dependent on the specific thickness and gauge of the metal used, as well as the quality of the installation. By selecting a reputable roofing contractor and ensuring the use of high-quality materials, homeowners can minimize the likelihood of dents and maintain the visual appeal and structural integrity of their standing seam metal roof.

Proper insulation and potential for condensation:

Some concerns revolve around the insulation and condensation issues that may arise with metal roofs. However, with proper insulation and ventilation, standing seam metal roofs can effectively address these concerns. Insulation plays a crucial role in preventing condensation by creating a thermal barrier between the interior and exterior of the building. Insulation materials are installed beneath the metal roof to minimize heat transfer and prevent moisture buildup.

Proper ventilation is also essential to avoid condensation issues. Adequate airflow helps remove excess moisture from the attic or roof cavity, reducing the potential for condensation on the underside of the metal roof. This ventilation system can be achieved through various means, such as ridge vents, soffit vents, or mechanical exhaust fans. By ensuring proper insulation and ventilation, homeowners can mitigate condensation concerns and maintain a healthy and moisture-free environment within the building.

Installation and compatibility with existing structures:

Some individuals may question the installation process of standing seam metal roofs and whether they are compatible with existing structures. The installation of standing seam metal roofs requires expertise and precision to ensure a watertight and secure roof system. It is recommended to hire professional roofing contractors experienced in installing standing seam metal roofs to ensure a proper and high-quality installation.


Regarding compatibility, standing seam metal roofs can be installed on a variety of structures, including new constructions or existing buildings. The design versatility of standing seam roofs allows for adaptation to different architectural styles and roof slopes. Metal roofs can be customized to fit specific requirements and seamlessly integrate with existing structures. With the assistance of an experienced roofing contractor, homeowners can achieve a smooth and efficient installation process, ensuring that their standing seam metal roof is installed correctly and compatible with their building.

Are Standing Seam Metal Roofs Worth It?

Recap of the advantages of standing seam metal roofs:

Standing seam metal roofs offer a multitude of advantages that make them a worthy investment for homeowners and businesses alike. Throughout this article, we have explored the various benefits that set standing seam metal roofs apart from other roofing materials. From their energy efficiency and cost savings to enhanced durability and weather resistance, standing seam metal roofs provide exceptional value. They boast a sleek and modern aesthetic, with design flexibility that complements a range of architectural styles. Additionally, their longevity and reduced maintenance requirements contribute to long-term savings and peace of mind for building owners. By recapping these advantages, it becomes evident that standing seam metal roofs offer a compelling option for those seeking a durable, efficient, and visually appealing roofing solution.

The long-term value and benefits of metal roofs:

Investing in a standing seam metal roof goes beyond the initial cost. It is an investment in the long-term value and performance of your property. With their exceptional durability, standing seam metal roofs can last 50 years or more, surpassing the lifespan of many other roofing materials. This longevity translates into significant cost savings over time, as the need for frequent repairs and replacements is greatly reduced. Moreover, the energy efficiency of standing seam metal roofs contributes to lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact. The enhanced weather resistance and resistance to fire, pests, and mold ensure that your property remains protected, and the marketability of your building may even increase due to the superior quality and visual appeal of a standing seam metal roof. When considering the long-term value and benefits, it becomes clear that a standing seam metal roof is a worthwhile investment.

Answering the question: Is a standing seam metal roof worth the cost?

The answer to the question, “Is a standing seam metal roof worth the cost?” is a resounding yes! Standing seam metal roofs offer a range of advantages that make them an excellent choice for discerning homeowners and businesses. While the initial cost may be higher compared to some other roofing materials, the long-term value and benefits of standing seam metal roofs far outweigh the upfront investment. From their energy efficiency and durability to their design flexibility and reduced maintenance requirements, standing seam metal roofs deliver exceptional performance and aesthetic appeal. With their extended lifespan, resistance to weathering, and potential for long-term cost savings, a standing seam metal roof is not just an investment in your property’s protection but also an investment in its value and sustainability. By choosing a standing seam metal roof, you can enjoy the peace of mind, efficiency, and enduring beauty that this roofing option provides.

Call now 757-210-6580

Metal Roofers in Hampton Roads

Metal roofing company serving Chesapeake, VIrginia Beach, Newport News and all of Hampton Roads, Virginia

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7:00am – 6:00pm

Seaboard Construction LLC
1296 Credle Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23451